We offer affordable home inspections with home safety as the main objective.
We are not building code inspectors. Because homes vary in age and technique used at the time of build, we focus on functional safety of the home.
Please be assured that we do follow a national standard of practice. ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) is the most respected professional association for home inspectors in North America. Through ASHI’s continued efforts, ASHI's Standards of Practice—covering all of a home's major systems—are now part of many pieces of state legislation and are recognized by consumers as the authoritative standard for professional home inspection.
Our goal is a safe home. As home owners you well know (or will know) that annual maintenance is required to keep a home “healthy”. Regular maintenance of your home is a very important aspect of keeping your home safe. We identify areas that need some attention to assure that larger problems don’t arise. From time to time we find larger problems with homes but rest assured there is no problem that cannot be repaired!